Saturday, January 30, 2010

I said YES!!!

alright my circle of blogging friends...February begins in 2 days...
 so you have 11 days to get the mushy romantic proposal story/post
written...and don't forget to include pictures too!

Did you immediately say YES?
(or did you make him sweat a bit?)
Were you surprised or was it expected?
Flowing Tears or no tears? 
How did you spread the GOOD NEWS?

click HERE for the blog party details.


  1. I said, "Yes." I knew he was going to propose, we had already planned this drawn out plan to elope to Vegas (seriously, dress & invitations), only I couldn't do it w/o my dad walking me down the aisle. He was going to Korea (he's in the Army) & I knew that he is my soul mate. So he did & I said yes & so began this happily ever after...

  2. I'm going to play! I'm going to encourage my friends to too! Cute idea! Now I have to go dig up my engagement pics...yea!


admit it! comments make your day! i'd love to hear what you have to say!