ooooh, am i happy today -
fall has made its way to California, thank goodness...
i've made a store trip and came home with ingredients for my mom's favorite chili recipe...
i bought a pumpkin pie from the bakery... and the cool whip is thawing out
i have two little girls who are beyond excited for halloween, or at least for "truck or treating" and the candy
that awaits...
i have a friend who let me preview her halloween candy last night and i went overboard and was awake
until the wee hours of the morning...
i dressed the girls in tights and velour dresses and sweatshirts today, such a nice break from the shorts and
tshirts that i am so tired of seeing...
my windchimes are happily singing today...
and izzy gets her first taste of the winter hand-me-downs from her sisters -- how fun to sort through the twins' matching outfits once again and have so many smiles thinking of when their little bodies used to fit into them -- where has time flown to? ...
i've yet to find the fall coffee creamer flavors in our market, you know pumpkin spice and gingerbread, but a start to fall is good - i will be patient for all of the little traits to arrive.
welcome FALL, we've been waiting for you!
izzy's hand-me-downs include these Guess overalls that my oldest niece wore at 9 months - remember the GUESS jeans days - even babies had to have them i guess. so 14 years later, here they are with a little added touch...
and the full package...
thanks to the AMY's in my blog world, i was given two awards last week --
Amy, at
where a woman shakes her tablecloth presented me with the loyal friend and visitor award (am i right, does that teeny tiny word say visitor?) i really do visit amy's blog daily as she is one who can make you crack up out loud - i don't know amy personally, but honestly, i feel like i could meet her tomorrow and feel like i've known her for years -- lots in common and so fun to have found her!
and Amy, at
LuckyNumber13,gave me the over the top award.
now i have known this amy all my life and i really do visit her blog daily as well, not only because she is creative and i love to see her ideas, but because i love to be able to follow up on her adorable children since we live long distance -- if we can't get together to share life in person, at least we are able to do it in our little blog worlds.
so thanks to the AMYs!